Ladybug Farm – I am happy to introduce you to Orlando Zavala, owner of Ladybug Farm and parent with a child attending Pescadero Middle School.
New to Pescadero, but known along the coast (Santa Cruz), Orlando is farming the rich fields behind Phipps strawberry fields, along Pescadero Creek.
He grows a variety of vegetables and some fruit, including carrots, swiss chard, spinach, cabbage, peppers, cranberry beans, berries, and tomatoes. Orlando is also a Certified California Organic Farmer (CCOF) and plans to expand his farming to 50 acres off of Highway 84.
You can find his produce at the Half Moon Bay Farmer’s Market, Pescadero Country Store, Norm’s, and New Leaf Market.
The School District has signed him up as a supplier of fresh produce for the School Meal Program.
You can also call him directly for a produce pickup at 650-919-4979.